If you are expecting to make a new blog it
is essential to have a perfect topic. But how you should think your
topic is good for the others. In this article I am going
to discuss the important aspects to consider on selection
of a blog topic for a new blog. But I am not going to provide you a
list of topics to create a new blog.
First you should take a paper and write down what are the things
you most like. Because sustained motivation is required to be a regular
blogger. If you don't like your topic you will not blog so long, you will leave
the blog sphere without giving it any.
Once you write the lists of you likes then you should select what
is the topic you can write on for so long. Anyway if you can select bit
uncommon topic I think it is better, because the competition will be low. Don't
worry even though it is an uncommon topic there are thousands of people looking
for it in this huge world. So you can easily climb up on to the top of the
search engine results.
If you don't have any idea on blogging, visit some blogs and see what the topics they have taken to write are. Then rethink and adjust your list until it can provide a good topic to make a good blog. Don't be hurry to decide a topic. Sometimes it may take hours to days to select a good topic. That time is not a wasting. It worths.
If you don't have any idea on blogging, visit some blogs and see what the topics they have taken to write are. Then rethink and adjust your list until it can provide a good topic to make a good blog. Don't be hurry to decide a topic. Sometimes it may take hours to days to select a good topic. That time is not a wasting. It worths.
Then you should select a web address (URL). I have seen most
new bloggers go behind key wards to get a key word rich web address (URL) by
using several applications such as Google adwords. But they will not be able to
get good keyword as their blog address since most of the keywords have been
taken already. My opinion is that the web address is not a matter if you have a
good content inside your blog, because currently most of the search engines
keep an eye on the content rather than the key words. Specially Google.
It is better to write several posts in a word document prior to
create your blog, because regular posting is an important aspect of traffic
generation in blogging. Search engines prefer blogs with regular updates. After
creating few posts now you are ready to launch your new blog.
You can either make a free blog (in Blogger/Wordpress) or a paid
blog by buying a domain name and hosting it on a hosting saver.
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